Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Olympics

How can athletic competition create the conditions for peace between different nations?


  1. It allows countries to show off without mass killing. It shows people what the other countries are like, so they can understand each other better.

  2. it gives people a way to get together and do somthing people like doing so it sort of lets them put aside their differences and do something that doesnt involve killing each other

  3. By Stopping any feuding or major fighting i.e. Wars, Everyone can enjoy playing a game outside instead of having the condition "You might die if you go out and play" It brings out the best in people even if they may not be in the best of situations.

  4. Instead of fighting on the battlefeild they could show who is more "superior" by having competitions of strength and skill, not just massacring people. There is still that satisfaction of winning but in a more peaceful manner.

  5. It has people stop fighting and it lets them have fun and they can have a friendly competition.

  6. gives them an excuse to hurt people or to come together in 1 place to have fun friendly competition

  7. Athletic competition creates conditions for peace between different nations by bringing everyone together. Almost everyone participates and people even have meals together. Eating a meal together is normally something you do with friends or family. This then creates a time where people bond and compete against friends. The bystanders of the Olympics speculate and enjoy with everyone else.

  8. Athlete competition can create peace between nations because one common interest (sports) can bring people together forming bonds and friendly conversation (forming peace and serenity)

  9. athletic competition offers a way to compete with other nations without war and possibly peacefully

  10. an athletic competition allows people to relax more from fighting and instead use sports to try and one up a country. but, it can be a lot more fun for people because nobody is really trying to hurt anyone else, they're just trying to have fun or win. but it could be peaceful.

  11. It allows for countries to settle disputes on the sports field instead of the battlefield.

  12. by holding the olympics, it allows each country to compete with one another in a non violent way

  13. Athletic competition between human beings can allow them to get their fighting over with, without dying. It helps them get their disputes over with, without harming others

  14. it allows everyone to work together and settle their differences playing sports instead of killing each other.

  15. An athletic competition like soccer helps people get out their aggression and energy, but also see each other in a different way, as teams. It distracts people and makes people think in a strategic way about a sport instead of a war.

  16. By coming together and sharing a common goal

  17. instead of fighting and killing each other they can settle who is better by have athletic competitions
